If there is one thing I have learned through the ups & downs in my life, it is that my God is bigger than anything in this world: He is bigger than my problems. He is bigger than our corrupt government. He is bigger than the stress at my job. He is bigger than any conflict. He is bigger than infertility.
My God is the almighty provider & healer! He is faithful to those that are faithful to Him. I praise Him because I am exactly who I am supposed to be. Although I may not be have the perfect body (physically & physiologically), I am fearfully & wonderfully made. I am carved in His image & will not apologize for being a called child to my God.
Have you ever wondered how someone couldn't believe in God? It is still very confusing for me to think that someone looks at a sunset or a baby or nature & think that there isn't a God. I am not judging that person, I just couldn't imagine taking in God's creation & not thinking that He doesn't even exist. I pray for those that have fallen on such hard times that they think God has abandoned them. I pray that they hold on strongly to the Lord's promise of eternal life & unfailing love. I am not perfect (NOT EVEN CLOSE!!!), but my God is.
I've learned that unfair things in life happen. I've seen friends go through hard & difficult times whether it be loss of job, loss of babies, parents, or loved ones, divorce, abuse, etc, but I fully believe that God is the one that brings you through tough times. He never promised us a smooth path in life, He just promises us that He will NEVER leave us!
I've come a long way in my journey of faith & I have a long way to go! But I know that it is only because of God that I am strong & willing to keep going through the tough times because I know better times are ahead. He promises us a better tomorrow & he will never forsake us! My God is BIGGER!!!